Thursday, March 19, 2015

Rosacea Treatments - Do They Really Work?

Rosacea Treatments - Do They Really Work?
As with most skin conditions, rosacea treatments are the most effective if they are done as early as possible. Early diagnosis and early rosacea skin care treatment can be the best way to control the many rosacea symptoms and prevent them from getting worse.

What is Rosacea?

Rosacea, also called acne rosacea is a chronic disease that affects the skin and sometimes even the eyes. It causes redness and swelling and sometimes pimples. This disease mainly affects the face but can also affect other areas of the body including the scalp, chest, back, neck and ears. In some people, Rosacea also affects the eyes. It is more common in people who have lighter skin, blue eyes and blonde hair and in those who are between 30-50 years of age. Despite extensive research, the causes of rosacea are still unknown but it is thought to be hereditary.

Rosacea Treatments - Do They Really Work?


The most common symptom of Rosacea is the redness of face. Other symptoms include small, red lines under the skin, acne, swollen nose and thick skin. In many people the eyes turn red, dry and itchy and they could even have vision problems. Rosacea symptoms vary from one person to the next. Some people may have visible blood vessels while others may have only papules and pustules on the face or other body parts. Some people have no rosacea symptoms on the face but they have it on the back or elsewhere.

What does Rosacea Treatment entail?

Treatments for Rosacea differs depending upon the symptoms that the patient exhibits. A dermatologist will first identify the type of rosacea the patient is suffering from and only then prescribe the appropriate treatment. This is most important as different types of symptoms require different rosacea treatments. Take a look at some of the existing treatments.
  • Facial cleansers and antibacterial cleansers help by removing the bacteria and fatty acids.
  • Specially formulated facial peels can also be applied to the face and neck to stave off rosacea symptoms.
  • Sometimes, laser therapy or photo rejuvenation are also used.
  • Microdermabrasion is another popular acne rosacea treatment technique. It requires 5-12 sessions and is considered quite safe. It has good results and recovery is usually quite fast.

What about Self-Treatment For Rosacea?

Self treatment for rosacea is not recommended. This is because the best rosacea treatment would depend upon your type of skin and other factors. Self treatment can worsen the condition and cause flare-ups as many over the counter remedies contain ingredients such as alcohol and acids that aggravate the skin.

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